All songs on this page are free to download for your enjoyment. Please read the information below.
The Shadow of the Cross (A Christmas Story)
All songs on this page were composed, written and copyrighted by James R. Moffett and performed by Brian Ehrhardt. Brian’s wife Loretta accompanies him on two of the songs. Special thanks to the Torres children Jennie, Jesse, Jamie, and Julie for being the voices of the mice in “The Mouse that Met the King” and to Julie Torres for being the voice of “Daddy’s Girl”.
Special thanks also to Adriel and Yvonne Torres for allowing their children to donate their voices to help with this ministry.
All rights are reserved by James R. Moffett.
Terms of Use: you may download the songs for your own enjoyment. You may not offer them for sale, share them with others, or put them on any electronic media without author’s written consent.
Please invite your friends to visit this site and download the songs for theirselves
If you enjoy the music and would like to purchase CDs, Soundtracks, the Cross MP3 player, or would like to donate to The World for Christ so we can continue our ministry in China, please go to the donate page.
If you would like to perform these songs in your church please use the contact form to contact the author.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the songs.